About two and a half years ago I started having a severe migraine that was constant and excruciating. I started seeing a neurologist who did an MRI on me and told me that I have a cyst in my pineal gland but he didn t think it was cancerous so I shouldn t worry. Well about six or seven months ago, my headaches started getting worse again and I started having seizures. I m 31 years old and never had a seizure before this in my life. They started out as just small seizures that didn t occur very often and my doctor told me not to worry and started me on a medication called lamictil for the migraines and seizures. Here lately, maybe the past three or four months, I ve been getting this sudden excruciating pain just all of a sudden out of nowhere in the right side of my head just above the temple and the pain and pressure is so bad that it feels like my eye is going to explode out of my head. The pain lasts a few minutes, and when it finally stops, my head swells up where the pain originated. The swelling usually goes away the next day most of the time. But now, the past couple of weeks, my seizures have become way more aggressive and come on stronger and more often now. I probably have one if not everyday then every other day. But I never remember having them anymore, my boyfriend usually tells New the next morning. It s like I black out right before I have one and then pass out when it s done. But the past two bad seizures I had, with the first of these two, my face was numb for a little while after I came to, and with this very last one, my whole right side went numb for a little while. So I guess what I want to know is would all these problems that I m having be related to the cyst or something else, and should I be concerned. My neurologist thinks I m fine but I don t agree and wanted to get a second opinion. Thank you so much.