My son is almost 10 years old. Friday night he had peed his pants twice and said he didn t realize he had to go and his stomach was crampy, but mild. Saturday around 3:30 pm he started having severe stomache pain, and pain in his back that was worse when he walked. He was crying and doubled over, took him to the er and they checked his urine and it looked fine. They took two x-rays of his back and side because his pain was worse on the left. They said they didn t see anything and that he probably sprained his back and sent him home. At 10:30 that night he was cramping even worse and it hurt his lower stomach when he peed. Then he had a small amount of diarrhea in his pants and didn t realize he had even gone. His pain got worse and we went back to the er and they said his xrays they took earlier showed that he was extremely constipated, his colon was full. They gave him 1/2 cup of mag citrate at midnight and sent him home. This morning he still had not pooped. I called the answering service and the nurse said to put him in a bath with baking soda, did that and he pooped a hard golf ball sized amount but nothing else. At 1pm she said I should take him back to er since that was all he had gone in case of an obstruction or impaction. His stomach cramping seems to have gone away completely over the last few hours. Er gave him a suppository at 2pm, and more mag citrate to take at home. He had 1/4 cup at 4pm and 1/2 cup at 8 pm and has only gone about the size of a quarters worth. I m very worried because the nurse said that it could cause damage if his colon remained full for too long, but er seems unconcerned. He is drinking plenty of water, but hasn t eaten much over the last two days. He eats a really well balanced diet, plenty of fruits and veggies, and no changes to the diet at all. He s very healthy, and never had a problem with constipation before. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!