Thanks fkr the query. I understand your concern.
With the age.. there is change in body activities including clearance of bowel.. due to changed
metabolism.. sluggish body activities ... lack of active life style or some diseases like
One needs to control
constipation by changes in life style &assistance of purgatives as per need....as follows -
- Eat more fibers (husk of grains.. eat non refined grains/vegetables,salads,fruits with skins where ever possible.
-Eat less of refined food.. fast food...oils... (sticky food).. sweets./over or under eating to be avoided.
-Drink at least 12 glasses of water in a day. Drinking a big glass of warm water with one spoon honey &1/4th lemon ... first thing in morning helps.
-Routine exercises ( walking,swimming/
yoga exercises /
abdominal exercises )for 45 minutes a day is necessory.
-Having sound sleep for 6-8 hours in a day. Positive approach to life
You can use purgatives or stool softners in beginning &wean it off slowly... can have it as per need thereafter.