My husband was hospitalized in Georgia and treated by an ID doctor for typhoid fever in 2006. Since that time, he has had cyclical problems with severe constipation which causes extreme discomfort/pressure in the area of his spleen (which makes it seem enlarged) and pain spreads to his shoulder and back as well. When he has the symptoms at their worst, he feels awful, is weakened, color is poor, and it is difficult to get comfortable to rest as well. He has seen numerous doctors in several locations and the only diagnosis has been "IBS" which I think is a catch-all when nothing else is found. He even had a bone marrow biopsy done in order to examine the health of the spleen since a biopsy of the spleen is not possible. Gastro-wise, he has had endoscopies and colonoscopies done with no findings related to the severe constipation. We have tried to examine his diet for any cause-effect results to no avail. He has even followed a gluten-free diet for 10 months to see if that would help, perhaps giving his bowels a chance to heal following the typhoid, now almost 6 years ago. For further background, he has had malaria two times, and was treated overseas both times with full recovery, and works for a NGO traveling to/from western Africa every year. We would appreciate any fresh insight and ideas of how to pursue further help for him. Currently, he is taking 4 different stool softeners/BM assistance meds (both OTZC and prescription). However, using the "yucky" combo of castor oil and prune juice or castor oil in yogurt seems to help the best.