Thanks for the query . I understand your concern.
A patient & proper change in life style with suitable treatment would help you. Please don't worry.
- To relieve pain immediately- Start taking Sitz bath ( to sit in a tub of warm water .. so that
perineum is cleaned properly & pain is reduced by fomentation )at least twice day followed by application of ointment like Anovate.
Use of Glycerine suppository for adult before passing hard stools.Apply Anovate every time before & after passing stool.
- Take stool softeners( rather than strong ayurvedic churnas) till stool is softer due to improved diet.
- Have nourishing, non spicy, fresh food with lot of veges, salads, fruits ( with skins on ).. to have high fiber diet.
Drinking lot of water through out the day / drinking a big glass of warm water with lemon drops & honey .. first thing in morning helps a lot.
* Consult an anorectal surgeon . Get specific treatment for your condition.Also get treatment for any possible bowel infection or infestationwith the doctor's help.
Diabetes or age wise changes make bowels sluggish so proper control of diabetes/ regular
abdominal exercises & walking for 45 minutes daily helps
all of this together done over a long period would gradually reduce &solve your problem