I have suffered from having hard stool and trouble passing it since I was a kid. I'm now 19 and it has only gotten worse over the years. I have tried diets, high fiber, lactose free, and drinking water, no caffeine and I don't eat red meats or lots of beef or fatty foods. I'm pregnant now, about 16 weeks, constipation is supposed to be worse when pregnant (or so I read). I have not been able to go to the bathroom for atleast a week. I have lost count really, but all day I feel like I have to go and when i sit down to go... nothing. I know my intestines must be full. My abdomin is all sore and I feel horrible. I took stool softeners for 3 days and i have only been able to squeeze out a little tiny bean sized poo with lots of strain. I am worried about my baby and I am afraid I might have something seriously wrong. I don't have health insurance and we can't afford to go to a doctor unless it's life or death.