HIE i would like to inquire whats the best course of management for the below case. i have a lady who is 18years old , grav 3 para 2, at 24 weks gestation , she has fevers and has been convulsing hourly for the past week. she has history of Eclampsia in the previous pregnancy and lost her baby , miscarriage . antenatal visits Examination findings . GCS is 14/15 but no neck stiffness, she has normal Bps , the chest exam is unremarkable , the fundal height is 24 weeks , the Fetal beat is not heard ,no pedal oedema . the urine protein is negative, she got tested for malaria it is negative , then she had a lumber puncture , the csf analysis are still on going . her treatment course : phenorbarb, Diazepam , initial course of Quinine.