hi my 22 month (birth on 10.10.2009) boy is suffering from a convulsion whenever get fever its start when he as 10 month, the he got one march 2010 due to high fever, then he got fever twice but no thing happened to him its could be due to temperature controlled and didn’t reach high, however on 27th Oct he got high fever and got convulsion, two weeks after that i.e. 12 Nov. he got convulsion but this time he didn’t have any fever, we took him at hospital and he was admitted like every time to be near by doctors just a second attack might happen. I all previous time he was given a medicine (diazepam). The last one he got was 26th Nov. which was due to high fever 39C; although we gave him medication (Suppository) to drop his temperature the temperature was not dropping and this time he got it without the child losing consciousness as what was happening in previous attacks. Since the last four attack the pediatrician neurologist is recommend to start him with medication called sodium valproate. However when checked in the net I got hesitating and not sure if this is the right medication or not especially that from both parents family we got history of children to get convulsion due to high temperature till when the children grow up it disappear. Please advice symptoms • The attack often begins with the child losing consciousness, and shortly afterwards the body, legs and arms go stiff. • The head is thrown backwards and the legs and arms begins to jerk. • The attack ends after a few minutes and the shaking stops.