Effective management of a case of
Cornelia de Lange Syndrome requires consultation by geneticists, ophthalmologists, ENT specialists, neurologists, nephrologists, cardiologists, gastro-enterologists and nutritionists. The treatment protocol comprises of:
• Managing the difficulties encountered whilst feeding; tackling of the hearing and visual impairments, congenital cardiac diseases, and urinary anomalies.
• Early intervention is a must to handle psycho-motor delay effectively.
• Visual memory can be enhanced through computer programs.
• Tactile stimulation is advised so that the child can understand, retain information and carry out tasks optimally.
• Gross and fine motor activities are to be stressed on, principally when it comes to activities that are performed everyday.
• Surgical intervention is recommended in certain cases, particularly, to treat a
cleft palate,
pyloric stenosis, volvulus, dislocation of the hip, and undecsended testes.