Since , you are having
cough for last 8-9 months with runny nose, and lungs hurt .
Also having pain in fingers joint and also hurt . All these symptoms may be due to these reasons:
Anemia , since cough is for long duration , so get in blood for hmoglobin examination.
Tuberculosis , since this cough , runny nose is fro last 8-9 months , so we can't rule out tuberculosis . Diagnosis can be confirmed by XRay chest , Montoux's test and sputum for AFB.
3 Allergic
bronchitis is another reason of such symptoms .
When such patient visit I advise my patient to take montelukast+bambuterol tablet once or twice in day according to severity of symptoms ( normal dose is one tablet at night time ).
Also take some cough syrup containing chlorampheniramine+ dextromethophan +
ambroxol .
However , there are so many other reasons of such symptoms but physical examination is important in this case because symptoms are for 8-9 months so consult a physician and get his opinion.