I went to the doctors about three weeks ago for a really bad cough. Wheezing, crackling sound when I breath, the whole works. She put me on a Z-pack, an inhaler, prednisone, and nebulizer. She said it was bronchitis which with asthma symptoms. The cough is no longer producing yellow or brown mucus.....it s clear now but I can t stop coughing which makes sleep pretty rough. The z-pack and prednisone were for the first 5 days. I still have the inhaler which helps for major attacks and the nebulizer keeps the cough from being completely out of control. Will this eventually get better on it s own? Should I go back to the doctor? It seems like she gave me about everything there is to give.....is there more that would help? I m taking OTC Mucinex and the nebulizer meds as often as I can but this cough only mildly improves and I can t sleep through a full night.