Hello, I had a medical abortion Friday just gone, and had the cramping pain and bleeding and passed some stuff which I believe was tissue and clots etc. the. Saturday I was absolutely fine, no pain at all, had normal bleeding. And on Sunday I started to get really bad aches in abdomen and bleeding heavily, and today I ve had the same, the aches was really bad today, painkillers help and I wouldn t say I was soaking more than one pad an hour, it s just very heavy especially when on toilet or standing up. My tummy feels swollen and I m just worried and a little scared this isn t normal, I just wasn t expecting it after having such a good day Saturday although because I felt great Saturday I did not rest at all and had a busy day. Would you be able to advise me please or let me know if this is normal or if I should worry. I don t want to waste hospitals time if I am worrying for nothing. Thank you