my daughter is 17. her right lobe of thyroid is enlarged in size.There is a big complex nodule(3.3 by 2.2)predominantly cystic in nature.occupying almost the whole of right lobe .Left lobe is normal in size .
Nodular goitre in euthyroid.her FT4 14.78. THS IS 1.03, CBC13.4,BLOOD SUGAR,5.34,S.CREATNINE 0.77MG/DLs.calcium,9.81.Anti-thyroglobulin <20 u/ml. ANTI-MICROSOMAL.<10.0lu/ml. FNACreport(05.04 11) ;NEGATIVE FOR MALIGNANT CELL.Favour,nodular colloid goiter with cystic degeneration. Advic me please. Is it harmful?