The most probable reason for all your problems can be related to recent loss of your father. Definitely, such a big loss can cause sadness and
depression. It can lead to stress which can manifest as your symptoms. anxiety for various things also is usually accompanied by facial flushing, sweating, palpitations and
nervousness.Besides this there can be certain medical reasons which can cause such problem like anemia (low
haemoglobin), thyroid disorders,
hypoglycemia (low sugar levels) or electrolyte imbalance(abnormal salts in the body).
I strongly feel first of all work on yourself. Be relaxed and calm. Talk to your family members and friends. Try to keep yourself busy in doing the activities which you like. Start going for a short walk - may with a friend or your family members. Read some good books. Take good balanced diet and have a proper sleep. If still the symptoms persist then do get some investigations done like
complete blood count, sugar levels, TSH, ECG and electrolytes. This will enable us to reach to some diagnosis.
Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. Milinda Gupta, Internal Medicine Specialist