I went through a horrible divorce 8 years ago. I have been to therapists for depression, help with divorce, etc. i recently started having increasingly worse anxiety attacks. I find that I am losing sleep, waisting time during the day obsessing over weird things like knowing without a doubt i have cancer, hormone disease, diabetes, etc. I cannot get these thoughts out of my head!!! I have tried meditation, but cant keep these self judging thought out long enough to count to 4. Last night, I woke my husband up to talk it out... I talk about nonsense, tangents, almost for the sake of talking. This happens all the time as well. Its like I need to let him, and anyone around, know exactIy what s happening in my brain. I am seriously thinking I might be in the middle of a developing OCD disorder. Is that possible, and what kind of mental health therapist should I see? Ohhh the waves of anxiety even chatting right now.