I understand your concern.
It is adjustment issue rather then
stress arises from relationship.
1st to be very frank that you are deeply involve in this in spite of you know that he is married and further legal relationship is very difficult.
you have to do mutual communication and leave him as early as possible because there is no future of this relationship.
It will affect your future and your life.
From today you will start discussing with him and if require then take help of your friends.
Only you have to do this.
There is no medicines help to break this medicines only help to reduce your stress.
This kind of stress can be treated with anxiolytic like
So take help of common friends and family members and come out from this.
Start your new life and concentrate over carrier and life.
If needed then go for
relationship counseling to
Best luck for it.
Still have a query then feel free to ask.
Thank you.
Happy to help you.