Hi there, so i have beeb diagnosed with a 10 cm around dermoid cyst on my left ovary, within the last 5 months ive lost 15-20 lbs, i am nauseous off and on daily, theres pressure on my bladder, im consipated for days then i have diarrhea, abdominal cramping, lower back pain, bleed pn the pill between periods, cranping after /during intercourse, im 23 and i feel just plain awful and my gyno told me none of those symtoms have anything to do with this and that i shouldnt worry. Ive had an ultra sound but no further testing utlra sound confirmed that the whole left ovary is blocked by this cyst. I just need to know should i contact a different doctor before my surgery could this be more? Its just very concerning to me. And i really feel like the doctor just brushed me off