hi, I had a small infarct in march of 2014. started on 81mg aspirin and no recurrence since. I saw a neurologist at the end of 2016 and he increased my aspirin to 325 mg. was doing fine. he was doing some blood tests to see if the aspirin was thinning my blood enough. apparently not as he put me on clopidrogrel 75 mg daily. I have a list of medications an arms length long that I can t take due to side effects some of which took me to the er and a hospital admission. therefore I am acutely aware of my body and health status and monitor myself closely when I begin a new course medication. I started the clopidrogrel 75 mg tablet on sat (5/6/17). soon after taking I developed a headache(moderately severe) lasted all day into the night. I also had diarrhea after each time I ate. I woke up this morning with no headache. took the second 75 mg dose. same reaction; headache and diarrhea soon after. then I noticed new bruises on my skin with no injury. the medication has a very bad smell to it and today I am repeating this awful taste and my reflux and stomach discomfort are getting worse. All of these reactions I have read about and was not concerned. however, 2 hours after I awoke I fell asleep again for several hours very tired. when I awoke, I was experiencing shortness of breath and very slight chest pain. still slightly sob but pain is gone. i feel I should not use this medication due to side effects. could you please comment on this situation from a physician s point of view. I am an insulin dependent diabetic, morbidly obese, high bp cholesterol and triglycerides. thank you in advance for your help. sorry I am not set up for payment via internet