Hello! I am wondering if you can help me out with a concern I am having. Two days ago I started experiencing discomfort with urination x 2 times. At first I did not notice anything unusual but upon really close examination I found what looked like a pimple on the inner side of my Labia minors. It was slightly tender to touch- came to a head with what looked like pus similar to cystic acne on the face when it comes to a head. I applied a warm compress to the spot and did not experience any discomfort with urination for the next 4-5 hours. When the stinging with urination started to return I applied another warm compress and it worked again. After use of a warm compress this morning I felt a lot of drainage coming from the area. It has not been tender since, and now appears just red with no fluid or pus in it- could this just have been a pimple? No other symptoms. From what I can see with the mirror and pictures it looked like a big white head, not a blister. No other symptoms that I can report. I have no known history of or exposure to stis. I am in a 3.5 year monogamous relationship - he has no concerning symptoms. Of note, I have been wearing tight fitting pants, non-cotton underwear, shaving with a new shaving cream, and poor urination habits.