Hi,Dear,Thanks for your query to HCM.
Dear I read your query and reviewed it with context to your query facts.
I understood your health concerns and feel Concerned about them.
Based on the facts of your query, you seem to suffer from-
Right sided Adhesive
intestinal obstruction with partial reducible obstruction with accompanied
Malabsorption Syndrome- Could be the cause of your Right Stomach Pains?,which needs further investigations-
Had undergone Sphincter oddi surgery with Upper and Lower GI tests,after which you were labelled as-follows-
Amongst the Various labels you got from your doctors- Which I would list for You-to know that You have these multiple ailments with You-currently-
Claustridium-Difficile with
Diverticulitis and GERD with Acid reflux with Polyposis with ?Crohns with
Hysterectomy for
Based on this information-
I would advise you to review your case-from Second GI Surgeon-for
-Right sided Adhesive intestinal obstruction with partial reducible obstruction with accompanied Malabsorption Syndrome-
Needs to be confirmed by -Laparsoscopic Exploration with adhesiolyis of the right sided adhesions , from Endometriosis.
After Recovery from adhesiolysis,review for the
Diverticulosis with Multiple Polyposis- and get the
polypectomy and diverticulitis treated with Endoscopist and GI endo-Specialist along with antibiotic and changed diet style.
Also do the Crohn's confrimation by CT and intestinal / colonic biopsy.
If need be treat with Steroids if need be.
Supplementary-treatments with-
Antibiotics with Metrogyl to start with, if recurss treat with Vancomycin/ ,if still recurs treat with fidaxomicin -a latest antibiotics.
Tab-Bentyl for spastic pains
Sporlac Caps for improving colonic bacterial flora.
Cap-Vit B12-5000 mcg x daily for 2-6 weeks.
Liquid diet and
Bland non-spicy diet
Brat(banana/rice / smashed apple/ toasts) diet if need be.
Plenty of fluids to supplement and recoup lost health nutrients.
Thus its a complicated treatment for your case , and needs continuous vigilence to avoid deterioration at expert doctors hand.
Hope this would help you to solve your health issues in the best way possible.
Welcome for any further query in this regard.
Good Day!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N.
Senior Surgical Specialist