GERD Questions & Answers

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2 1 Mon, 4 Mar 2024
Hai doctor,I m 33 years old and newly married.3years before I got severe gerd and stomach ulcer doctor prescribed me nexpro Rd for 30 days and after that I got I m trying to get pregnant.and again I got gerd and ulcer gyno suggest me pasid dsr.but no changes . which is safe when trying...
2 1 Wed, 17 Oct 2018
Hello, my mother has gastritis problem since the last 6 years . Yeserday,she mistakenly drank a sip or two of white vinegar thinking it was water. Even a small amount of spicy and sour food or drinks would burn her chest and stomach. Now it is worse. I asked her to vomit right after, she did it...
2 1 Wed, 3 Oct 2018
I have have stomach proplelms or years lately getting worse righ now soreness noticed more on the right side of stomach area. Have had operation fundo plication. went for same problems at temple . they said they didn t see reflux. But every time I go for endiscope my gi doctor sees esophagal...
3 2 Fri, 31 Aug 2018
Hi, I had very severe GERD as a teenager which resulted in having a Nissen Fundoplication when I was 18. I have been symptom free since, until about 7 months ago (I am now 44). My symptoms have returned, and are very severe. I have been trying to control it with OTC medication, but without...
2 1 Tue, 28 Aug 2018
Hi, I’ve been feeling a burning/chocking sensation in my throat for about two weeks now. I sometimes feel a fullness/ pressure in my chest. I feel it almost all day no matter what. I do have this condition called psvt which is a form of rapid heartbeat. I went to see my cardiologist but he said...
2 1 Tue, 17 Jul 2018
I suffer from GERD several times a week and have muscle spasms in my legs while asleep only. I was taking Omeprazole sporadically when needed. I started taking Magnesium Glycinate supplaments and the spasms have ceased. I stopped Omeprazole after reading about their side effects and am now using...
2 1 Thu, 12 Jul 2018
When I was a kid I had terrible motion sickness and my doctor had me take milk of bismuth and coke syrup. Both worked great. Also, ginger. What is the down side if I tell my adult daughter to give one or more a try? She is having an acute gastritis attack and nothing the docs have given her work.
3 2 Mon, 9 Jul 2018
My name is David. Lately I ve been getting heartburn, from what I think is from a prescribe prescription.. So I stopped taking it. No heartburn, but the other day I had to walk maybe 2tenths of a mile to get picked up. I was in now hurry but I started to feel like the heartburn came back. After I...
2 1 Sat, 7 Jul 2018
I have a 15 year old daughter that spent the day in the er with severe abdominal pains. The er dr diagnosed her with gastritis. prescribed her Famotidine. This was yesterday. She is still in alot of discomfort. The pharmaacist told her she could take Tums and Gasx. Is there anything we can do for...
2 1 Thu, 28 Jun 2018
Have two days with heart burn at least I think thats what it is , it started when I had eaten a taco with siriacha hot sause it felt like it when down slowly and hurting, but everytime I swalow anything and even when I dont, ithing I got some fever from going thru the paint.would like to know if...
2 1 Mon, 25 Jun 2018
.I have has acid reflux and gerd from scleroderma for years. Tight throat causes me to purge my food back up. Nexium is only drug that works. Taken it for 18 years,NOW. They say it causes kidney failure. I am on dialysis now and Nexium ie time released. Dialysis cleans all meds out if your blood....
3 2 Wed, 13 Jun 2018
My doctor took me off Prilosec and put me on Omerprazole. This new medication is not working. Then he put me on another medication Rabeprazole......this gave me pains in my stomach, my heart felt like it was racing and I was constipated all the time. I took myself off this med and went back to my...
2 1 Tue, 12 Jun 2018
Hi, this is akhtar ihave sever gastritis problems and night time gases are formed which i feel uneasy and i start taking from today gas tablet neopride total it is combination of levosulpride 75 and Rabi prazol 20mg and taking normaxin tablet three times one hour before meal my age is 58 years
7 2 Mon, 28 May 2018
Foggy thinking, diarrhea, fatigue, sensitivity to sun, loss of appetite ,weight loss, abdominal pain, hair loss, bloating, night sweats, chills, hot flashes, headaches, poor circulation, loss of breath. I do have GERD and had surgery for my chiari malformation and had my gallbladder removed (no...
2 1 Wed, 23 May 2018
my dad is 83 years old. he has had a light ran down his throat. they said he has GERD. he takes meds for it but is not getting much better, when he gets up in the morning he said his stomach hurts and feel s like he is going to throw up. He says he sleeps good. By lunch time he is feeling better....
3 2 Wed, 16 May 2018
I am newly diagnosed with colitis and started on Apriso a moth ago. I am having Esophagitis that I believe is triggered by it. Are there any hints about taking the medication that prevents this and is there any suggestions for the discomfort that does not interact with the Apriso.
2 1 Sun, 22 Apr 2018
I have GERD and recently had a EGD done and the report says, Esophageal body was grossly within normal limits. Scope was advanced to the level of the EG junction. Circumferential changes of grade 2 reflux were identified 38cm from the incisors No stricture as associated. Can you tell me what this...
4 3 Mon, 26 Feb 2018
Please help. I suffer from GERD, and as of the past two months, I ve been in seemingly endless uncomfortability. I ve been taking Nexium for a little while, but as of this past week, it has ceased to work. I had an endoscopy this week as well, which revealed absolutely nothing. I am as healthy as...
2 1 Wed, 10 Jan 2018
I have GERD and have times when I spit up copious amounts of frothy sputum. 1. what do you call that spitting up of so much frothy sputum ( about 1 full cup/hr) that can last for 2 days?. Regurgitation does not describe it well. I think its after I drink coffee etc.. I have had GERD for years. I...
2 1 Wed, 20 Dec 2017
Hi Dear, I m experiencing some symptoms like biter or sour taste in my mouth,teeth erosion,dry Mouth and some time eyes irritation. Doctor after Doctor, they. An not figure out what s the e,act cause.During my research online, I ve finally find that I might suffering from acid reflux...