hx of stg 3 ovarian ca, chemotherapy over the last 8 yr. Initial surgery 8 yr ago for tumor debulking, 3 yr later sbo surgery. last 3 years fistula from bowel to vagina. Just bothersome for the first 2.5 yr, . last 4 months increasing pain, on cipro and flagyl on and off for quite a while. two weeks or so ago, hospitalized with severe pain, doc found a-fib, which was converted to NSR. New meds were amiodarone, metoprolol, Coumadin . while in hospital changed from cipro to levo.
Saw surgeon in Tucson last Wednesday and he changed levo to cipro. I had allergic reaction and was admitted to YRMC on Friday. Placed on epi drip to bring bp up. in ICU , had another reaction to flagyl and now stopped that. Question, what other antibiotics can I be placed on for the diverticulitis that will clear up infection before surgery. there is an infectious control doctor involved