Hello. I am a 29 year old female. I eat healthy, exercise and am expiriencing a lot of symptoms in the past few weeks. My recent symptoms include: dizziness (sometimes the room spins putting me on the floor, sometimes it is less severe), anxiousness (to the point where i feel sick leaving thehouse or going to the store or work), sharp chest pain on and off, ear aches and head aches on a daily basis (sometimes to the pt where i have to take advil). I had light dizzy spells for 2 weeks, the n last Thursday i was driving and happy and singing and then dizziness hit me hardand sudden and i had to pull over, then i hyperventilated and called 911. My family health history includes gallbladder attacks, and heart issues. Please help..?.... this is affecting my day to day life. My recent ecg is nkrmal, my recent blood work showed low phosphorous and slightly low hemoglobin.