Not only a sex addict, add every drug ever made to the list. My father had toys & his private porno room. I've been doing on & off for some time. Adderral, clonipin, wellbutren, & tramadol & last is seroquel. I was a needle freak. No water or bull sh--. It was heroin , co-caine MDMA , All of them. The co-caine induced the grind for sex all night long. I've had some victories but now It's a war zone. I believe in Jesus and want heaven badly. Jesus said better to enter heaven halt or maimed than the reverse of it. I'm concidering choping my mess off, which no man wants to do. The other side is to marry quick. Tell of any acupunture or anything that can help me. Thank you. I'm 2.75 years clean of herion , Methadone & co-caine. With only maybe a slip up here and there. I've come a long way. I'm on medicade for my mental illnesses. I'll ask my primary care doctor, it's only 3.00 dollars. The sex is to the point where it never ends. I can go all night. BUT GOD. The 10 commandments. If you can use medicade maybe, if not , my primary Doctor & truly None of these beautiful female Doctors will work. That's on me. Not y'all. Sorry.