Thanks for the query...
I have gone through your query and can understand your concern...
As per your complain and presentation of symptoms Dry Mouth or XEROSTOMIA can occur due to a number of common conditions like long standing dehydration, infections like thrush,
mouth breathing habit,
salivary gland disorders,
nerve damage that supplies salivary glands, auto-immune diseases like Sjogren's Syndrome,
allergic reaction of certain medicines etc.
Nothing to worry, consult an oral physician and get evaluated and treatment of the underlying cause can lead to improvement of symptoms..
As of now you can chew sugarfree chewing gums as it helps in stimulating saliva flow..
Use Artificial Saliva Drops as they help in lubrication of mouth..
Drink plenty of cold water as it will relieve the inflammation of tongue due to cracking and also maintain hydration..
Avoid breathing from mouth and if you have mouth breathing habit a simple trick can help.
Apply a vertical band of doctor's tape or micropore tape over the closed lips at night before sleeping as it will enforce
Nasal breathing and prevent dry mouth.
Use a humidifier in your room..
Avoid hot and spicy foods..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards..