I went to the hospital because I crashed with my car , and they did a full scan to my body to see my chest and in the random finds , they say that I have this three things , 1.Spotted three nodules in the lower lobe,probably granuloma . 2.Incidentally bladder 1,5 cm diaphragmatic fate in the liver . 3.Adrenal adenoma 0.5cm . I did a small research in the web and I found out that this are common things and nothing to be scared with. But I’m really worried. I am 47 years old and was the first time that I did a CT . Can you please tell if I need to be worried for any of this ? Can I take some treatment to smaller them ? And are they going to stay in this size or there going to grow , and if yes how long does it take ? Is it a problem that I have them all together? Please if you know , tell me so I can stop worrying . Thanks in advanced .