Relative has been treated for a couple of years for ulcerated eczema, front of calf.
- Originally about 50p size.
- Good venous return re doppler, good arterial, no other cardiovascular problems, knee arthritis.
- Treatment via compression etc, tissue viability nurse regular visits.
- Improvement, then retracement, ending up 10x11cm in Dec 2011. Female, age 83. Dark hair.
As of mid-Jan 2012 a change.
- Eczema enlarged to 14x14cm.
- Surrounding skin inflamed, some increase in pain.
- "Small Nodules present".
- "Wound bed raised in areas and exudate haemerous (can't read) in moderate amounts".
- "Mal-Odour present".
- Swab taken again (each time they come back negative).
Tissue Viability Nurse requesting urgent referral to dermatology, re "odour & not responding to treatment".
Q - Is this developing into BCC or SCC from the description?
I have assumed SCC just re worst case, but would like to know how likely.
It could be a deeper infection, but somehow that does not ring true - a nurse quietly seemed to panic to me about two weeks ago "we don't know why it is not responding". So assuming the worst seems probable?