I am currently taking Lyrica 75mg three times a day and Oxycodone 10mg every 6hrs as needed for pain. I have left ulnar nerve damage that surgery is recommended, I have a pinched nerve in my left groin area, I have bulging disc in my lumbar and thoracic spine and I have kyphosis inmy upper spine.I had to stop taking the Lyrica due to edema in my legs and feet. I have type 2 diabetes, so the oly relief I get in my lue is from oxycodone, my left thigh is numb and it feels like I am being stuck with a hot poker that is being twisted and i have neuropathy like pain from my left knee to toes and my back constantly hurts. I have a TENDS unit that I use as much as possible, but after so long it hurts my back even more. I am on oxygen 4lpm continues due to obesity hypoventilation syndrome. My pulmonary doctor does not want me to be put on a ventilator and my orthopedic surgeon will no do a nerve block. I had to increase my Oxycodone to 10 mg every 4-6 hours. am allergic to nsaids and cannot take Tylenol due to my elevate liver enzymes with gallstones and abnormal pressures.Any suggestions?