Hello,Dr ,my wife is suffering from ckd,her cretinine level has gone to 5.1. Last month she had ICD implant,2years ago she had open heart surgery,but after,ICD implant,her,hoemoglobin,has gone to,8 ,and cretinine from 3to 4.5 ,4.8,and now 5.1 between she had E. coli with vomiting loose motion,and fever,after having freonem antibiotic,Cudoforte ,alfakit ,she has improved , she is taking erythropoietin 10000k injection once a week,but her cretinine level is 5.1 now how her cretinine will come down, Cudoforte twice daily,alfakit thrice and freonem thrice daily she is diabetic ,but under control with zomles 500 ,nova norm 1mg thrice,and volibo.2,please advise how cretinine will come down,thanks