I am sorry to hear about your symptoms, they seem varied and difficult to understand. I can try to answer some of your questions but without have a better history it will be difficult. I do recommend you continue in person consultations with a physician and follow their recommendations. May I first start by asking your age, medical history (
medical diagnosis, medications you are taking, past surgeries) and any other pertinent information (history of
head trauma for example). These factors become very important to understanding the nature of your illness. Second, it would be helpful to understand what you have already tried to treat your condition with. Many conditions are multifactorial, meaning there are many components to the disease process, a simple "treatment" might not be possible. For example, patients with
fibromyalgia commonly have pain all over their body, depression, difficulty sleeping,
chronic migraine headaches. That is a possiblity here, and it is often treated with significant medical therapies, like antidepressants and neuroleptic medication (anti-seizure medication). Another possibility based on your symptoms is indeed seziure disorders, many patients who have even small seizures can go through a period of several days of forgetfullness, body pains, weakness in specific limbs as you described. A
neurologist would be the best person to evaluate this and an MRI of the brain would certainly be warranted. It is less likely, although not impossible, that you are experiencing recurrent strokes over the past 7 years. There are smaller, transient mini stroke episodes that can occur but they usually signal more emminent, larger strokes that are impending, and can have drastic, life altering consequences, not something that would come and go intermittently as you described over the course of 7 years. Indeed, multiple sclerosis or MS is something that displays intermittent neurological symptoms, like weakness, but it is not usually associated with severe migraine headaches. Again, an MRI would be indicated for further work up and a Neurologist would be the specialist to see. If this is indeed a classical migraine headache, you have a severe variant that is difficult to treat. There are many therapies for migraine headaches to stop the progression, like
Sumatriptan, and I would need to understand the nature of your treatment course better to provide better recommendations. A newer treatment very effective option for uncontrolled migraine headaches is Botox, and if demonstrated that you have failed previous therapies, many insurance companies will pay for your full treatment. I cannot comment specifically on whether you need to see a
psychiatrist for these symptoms, that would require more of a private conversation focusing on your personal background and social history, but it certainly helps, for example, in the case of patients with depression, fibromyalgia and similar psychosomatic disorders to have some cognitive based therapy in conjuction with pharmacological therapy. All in all, there is also lifestyle modifications that need to be taken into consideration here, avoidance of known triggers, exercise, proper dieting, avoidance of alcohol and substances that can promote addiction and abuse, among other habits that can promote the onset of such symptoms.
I hope this has at least provided you some direction, look forward to hearing your response.
Marco M Zahedi M.D., M.P.H.
Family Medicine