Thanks for posting in HCM.
I have read your description and understand your concern.
What medication you have taken does not seem to have medically proven to have effect on sustaining erection.
In most cases, difficulty in getting and sustaining erection is more of psychological disorder rather than physical one. However, kindly continue to take the medication what has been prescribed by your doctor.
Since you say that you are diabetic, it is essential for you to keep your
glucose level under proper control.
Kindly practice behavioural therapy technique like '
pause and squeeze' regularly.
Include in your diet dry fruits like almond, dates and fruits like papaya, which would help to increase blood supply to penis aiding in erection.
Take Tablet.
Tadalafil 30 minutes before intercourse to get proper erection, when necessary.
Keep your mind calm and healthy by doing
meditation regularly.
Gradually, you should get more confidence to perform better and overcome this problem.
Hope the information provided would be helpful.
All the best.