Hello dear
Understand your concern
Treatment of
erectile dysfunction is depend on the cause of it.
Following are the causes of erectile dysfunction: Diabetes, Prostate Enlargement, psychological like Excessive stress and relationship issues, alcohol & tobacco consumption (constriction of penile blood vessel), obesity, Problems in low back nerves, Hormone problem like Low testosterone levels.
So first consult the best
urologist and get the following test done:
Blood tests:Hb,CBC, ESR, blood sugar,
lipid profile, urea, creatinine,
Vitamin B12,
folic acid levels iron, etc.Hormones (total and free testosterone,
corticosteroids, DHEAS, Thyroid hormone, seminal fluid analysis, Doppler USG of scrotum and penile area to find out the blood flow problem.
Meanwhile take following advice:
Start exercising (60-80 minutes in morning with relaxation and yoga), losing weight, stopping smoking and alcohol,
Healthy diet with proteins and vitamin A, C, E.
Take anti oxidant like CO Q or gonadil F
More fore play before sex will lead to more excitement.
Try women on top position.
Do discussion with your partner that help in gaining psychological trust, use more than one condom.
Do pelvic exercise, avoid sex when you feels fatigue/low
If above advice will not help then medicine can be provide by doctor: Tablet viagra: about one hour before sexual activity,
Testosterone Replacement Therapy, paroxetine 30-40 min before sex
Hope this may help you
Best regards
Dr. Sagar