HI, am 34 years male well built and married a year before and have no sexual experience before marriage after marriage I found difficulty in sex and erection though I was continuously masterbating from childhood but at the time of sex i.e. penetration my erection goes down and i found that during penetration once my penise skin stetches I feel pain and erection goes down.
After that i consulted two urologists they did doppler test, kidney test, urine examination and sugar all is well but my testesterone is low i.e. 2.6 ng/dl to 2.9 ng/dl in morning 8 am tests LH is sllightly high, fsh is normal, thyroid test is ok.
Now I am away from wife then i did sex with paid sexworker in malaysia there i was successful only bcoz the sexworker was cooperative she sucked my penis for erection and then put the condom with condom my skin of penis slightly went up.
I have consulted one endocronologist who is against taking testesterone injection though urologist is saying yes.
I want kid so i donot want to take testesterone. My marriage is in danger. My wife is uncooperative. what to do?
Three years back i had one appendix operation. otherwise no other problem before.