Hi. My name is Adriana. I m 43 years old. For the past 3-4 years I have been noticing my hair thinning. I went to a hair clinic and tried their products and serums, used Rogaine, did medical exams that came out ok. I have no family history of alone is. I see some hair growing, but I loose so much every day all over my hair, not in just one spot, and it doesn t stop falling every time I touch it. I have also noticed that it has become more greasy. I used to wash my hair twice a week, then 3 times and now almost every day. I waited for 3 months to have an appointment with my General Dr., she prescribed the tests and now I m waiting another 2 months for an appointment to see me again and talk about the results or refer me to a specialist. I m afraid by then I will have no more hair. I m desperate. Please help!!! Thanks