Dear Friend,
Its not safe at all to use sterile needle, it may start bleeding profusely. so its better for you to start medication till you plan for surgical correction.
PLAN for you:
1. 3rd generation chephalosporin orally (
Cefixime 200mg) twice a day for preventing secondary infection.
2. Calcium dobesilate 500 mg thrice a day.
3.Anti haemorrhoid cream apply locally.
4. fibrous, soft & blend diet.
constipation ( take laxative)
6. increase liquid intake.
take these medication with consultation of your doctor, and plan for surgical correction which is ultimate treatment and its out come is highly satisfactory.
medical treatment can relief symptoms for some time, but chances of recurrence will be there.
its minor surgery, some time day care surgery or admission may require for one to three day. cost of surgery will vary from place to place, as this is minor surgery so it will not be much costly.
i wish you for speedy recovery.