I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns..
As per your complain piles or hemrrhoids occurs when the vein in the anal and rectal area gets swollen, inflamed leading to itching, pain and bleeding..
It occurs commonly due to causes like obesity, excessive straining due to
chronic constipation, irritation caused due to
chronic diarrhea,
pregnancy, vaginal childbirth etc..
As you have taken treatment and there has been reduction in side of the lumps and there is no pain there is no need to worry but the condition can exaggerate any time if there is some irritation in the area..
To clear it completely or to get rid of it can be done with non surgical approaches like Rubberband ligation,
Cryotherapy, etc..
While in case if it does not get better Surgical removal known as Hemorrhoidectomy can be done..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards.
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.