My fiance has been battling a lingering illness for several months. The symptoms used to occur occasionally, last 2-3 days and be gone. October he became ill and it has not really left., He has seen numerous specialist, cardiologist, pulmonologist, allergist. Has had CT of lungs and legs checking for blood clots. Heart catheterization, EKG, allergy testing (prick testing and injection) methocoline challenge for asthma, PFT, tons of blood work, MRI of brain and sinus. All show nothing wrong. Yet he still is sick. Symptoms are generally start out with extreme fatigue, then general ill feeling all over, hot/cold/sweats, sneezing sometimes occurs, but main symptom is a very difficult time breathing, shortness of breath, hoarseness, or hard to get air out to talk. Not sure where to turn next. Any suggestions would be appreciated.