hi i have an issue with itchy red bumps that are EXTREMELY itchy.. they have been an issue for a while but the other night, i got up for a snack while watching a movie in bed and noticed two large (larger than ever before; the one was a combination of 2-3 1/4 inch swellings and SO SO itchy.. they leaked clear fluid and were strange feeling to the touch, like the skin was crusted but the source of the discomfort was under the skin..) I am so itchy everywhere and have what I thought to be cystic acne on the sides of my face and neck and along my jaw sporadically that are itchy too.. I am realizing now that these two may be connected.. I had two symmetrical lines of red bumps going down the left side of the trunk of my body last year and it really bothered me because they scarred and were so linear.. very stretched out, perhaps 6 bumps in each line 2 or 3 inches apart lining down the left curve of my body.. but those werent itchy.. and that was november 2014 and on.. my skin has been so awful with what i thought to be cystic acne lately and i have battled acne my whole adult life but was so blissfully clear, clearer that i have ever been, in december 2015.. but in feb 2016 forward, i have had no less than 6 active cysts on the sides of my face, neck, and jawline at a time.. my husband did bring a kitten home in october, does this have any relevance? I need to emphasize that I am SO itchy.. I have not been in bed yet tonight and I can feel two new itchy bumps on my jawline and right side of my face near my earlobe.. my whole body itches and i feel like there is something under my skin at times it is so itchy.. there was an itchy spot on my back three months ago that was so itchy that i literally could have scratched through my skin to relieve it! it was under my bra strap and difficult to reach but i dont think i have ever been so itchy in my life, it felt like there was crawly things under my skin, it sounds nuts! now, i had two small intensely itchy bumps on my left forearm (underside) and i could see two distinct (tiny) holes in each and in the middle of these VERY itchy bumps was a dark grey dot? i must have sounded crazy because they persisted for about a month (3 weeks?) and i had one of these on the right wrist and one on the right elbow.. (though i couldnt see the bump on my elbow without a mirror, i did see the same dark grey or black dot in the center and it was SOOO itchy).. I am writing this now out of desperation.. I am so SO itchy everywhere and I feel like everytime I turn around there are more swellings or cysts on my face that take forever to go away and leave deep red/purple crater scars.. i should mention that the cysts are linear and cluster near my eyebrows on the side toward my hairline and ALWAYS there are two holes in the cyst or swelling, not close to one another.. this is the way all cysts have been on my face: like there are two whiteheads together that reveal themselves in time.. I dont know what all is relevant but I am suffering GREATLY with both and dont know how i am going to get any rest tonight unless I can figure out what the source or diagnosis may be.. My mother has used your services many times and regards it highly.. I cannot write more than 3 or four words without stopping to itch my nose, eyebrow, lower back, inner thigh and tops of my feet.. The swellings are on the tops of my shoulders, tiny ingrown hair like bumps on my upper arm/biceps on both sides, sparsely on my back, with 3 itchy red cysts on my neck (two: left near earlobe; one: right HUGE about an inch and a half below earlobe and inward away from hairline a bit), two cysts on my temples (two on each side), i can feel (due to itchiness) that new swellings are coming in on my right jawline between my chin and earlobe on the right side.. I had two huge, itchy, weeping bumps that crusted (clear fluid) that began wed and have now pretty much gone away and no longer itch *crosses fingers* Please, please tell me what else I can tell you and if you can help me figure this out.. Thank you in advance for your time and attention