Hi, I'm 37 year old heavy drinker, and am looking into medical intervention as I have become increasingly ill, my latest bloods as of today showed GGT 472 U/L , Alk Phos 142U/L , ALT 113 U/L , AST 171 U/L, Total Bilirubin 24umol/L and I am scared. I'm a mummy of 2 disabled girls and I can't leave them without a mother, I have a supportive husband and family, but, I'm afraid of how high these results are. My last scan in August showed a fatty liver, and as life got harder I drank more daily (currently 3 bottles Port day), and I will be going into a hospital detox program Monday, but, how much damage or how in trouble could I be in. I used to work in Hospital Pharmacy and kind of know, but, needed to hear it from another? Kind regards, Cindy, Australia