Hello. I m worried about my condition. Right now here s what s happening: my chest feels like it was bashed with a baseball bat. I can feel the pain up front on all of my chest, middle, right side, and left side. I can even feel it in my back in between my shoulder blades. Before today, here s what s been happening: Starting on Monday and Tuesday, while at work during the day, I started feeling achy all over my body. This was a mild ache that gradually progressed to my whole body feeling like it was on fire from within, and then on the outside I was chilly and cold. My head was fine, no fever, and no other symptoms. On Wednesday it continued but it would come and go, come and go. Sometimes I felt fine, and then sometimes terrible. I was taking advil, tylenol, just for pain management. So I assume when the pain reliever was in my system, that s when I was feeling fine; then when it was time for more I started feeling badly again. Then came Thursday. Again, while at work I started feeling the achy and burning all over body pain, but this time my head was feeling warm. Later that night the aches became progressively worse and very painful and I began running a fever. I immediately went to bed and tried sleeping but it was very difficult with the aches. The highest my fever reached was 101.7. I continued to take pain/fever reducers. In the night I woke up dripping in sweat and my fever had come down. Friday morning my aches were very mild so I went ahead and went to work. Throughout the day I was OK, and I continued to take pain relievers. The difference about Friday was now I was feeling a dull ache behind my ears, my throat was soar, and my chest was beginning to ache. This chest ache has now, today, progressed to a VERY painful pressure, ache, burn (all these together). On Friday at work there were times that I felt like I couldn t breathe normally and I was a little short of breath. Today when I breathe deeply it sometimes hurts worse (sometimes not) and I ll cough. I don t have a consistent cough; only when I feel that little trouble breathing- so the coughing is just here and there. It s not wet, very light; not deep and horse; just as if on a normal day I d cough. I m very worried that this could be serious other than just a cold or just the flu. I am not sure if I m over reacting or if I should make an appointment with my doctor. Should I request a chest scan? How far do I take this? Your guidance would be very helpful. Thank you.