I currently am miserable with kidney pain. I had a CT scan that showed bilateral kidney stones but then this was also in my CT report which I now will need to see a GI guy - have an appt on tuesday but honestly, I am so miserable with my kidneys that I am unsure I need to go?? Could this just be related to the kidney stones or truly should I see a separate specialist? THANK YOU in advance - I have had strange bouts of nausea, shakiness, just generally feeling MISERABLE - and have run a low grade fever on and off since freaking February. Hoping it is just my kidneys acting up - but would like to figure out why I am a wreck. here is the findings: Mild prominence in transverse dimension of the common bile duct, common hepatic duct, and intrahepatic bile ducts is seen slightly increased in degree compared to the prior exam. There is also mild prominence of the main pancreatic duct. Therefore, a distal common duct stone, stricture, or ampullary lesion cannot be excluded. Nephro lithiasis is seen without ureteral calculus or ureteral obstruction. No focal renal parenchymal lesion is identified. There does however appear to be suggestion of mild diffuse thickening of the wall of the urinary bladder and cystitis cannot be excluded