Hi. My daughter, 18, began not feeling well on Tuesday. She was achy & tired. On Wednesday morning she woke up with puffy eyelids & still not did not feel well. On Thursday, eyes still puffy, body aches, and she had a mild fever of 99-100, & then it went up to 102 in the evening. Same symptoms remained on Friday with fever remaining between 99-100 when using tylenol. I took her to the Dr. on Friday. Dr. wasn t sure what she had - something viral? Flu? NO blood work was taken. Although we are not aware of any tick bite (we are in a high tick area), we discussed the possibility of the tick disease, anaplasmosis because 2 of our close neighbors were recently diagnosed. Dr. suggested waiting things out through the weekend to see how she did and wrote us a script for Doxycycline and left if up to us on whether we wanted to start it. Fever went up to 102 again on Fri. night. Saturday morning we gave her 1 doxycycline & tylenol. Thoughout the day, fever averaged about 100.6 then went to 101+ during the night. Before bed we gave her a 2nd dose of the Doxyclycline which she threw up within just a few minutes of taking. Eyes seem to get more puffy the higher the fever. After throwing up the Doxyclycline, we did not give it to her again and have continued with tylenol or ibuprofen to try to keep the fever down. Tonight follows the same pattern, fever up, body aches worse (legs feel crawly to her at times), & eyes more puffy again. Cool compresses do not bring down the puffiness of eyes. We re not sure what to do next. Start her back on Doxy, take her in tomorrow for blood work? She is visibly uncomfortable. She has also had a decreased appetite. At times, in addition to the puffy eyes, her face looks somewhat swollen. No sore throat but some swollen glands in neck. Please help. Thank you