I recently had one side of my nose cauterized. My doctor prescribed me aquaphor(petrolatum) ointment and neilmed sinus rinse. the second night after the cauterization, I rinsed my nose with the saline solution. it didn t work too well. i felt like a sponge absorving some of the saline solution although most of the solution did come out from the other nostril. But I spent the next three hours waking up because of a runny nose. but this mucus and blood secretion was very acidic or corrosive. almost like as if i had inhaled cayene powder. that same night i developed a flu like symptoms, with fever, headache, nasal congestion, sore throath, burned lips and tongue. then most of the syntoms vanished one day later except for the nasal congestion. i read somewhere else that i may have had a mucal purulent discharge from the mucus trapped since long time ago. yesterday i tried to do another sinus rinse but am afraid of getting the flu again. what should i do?