A few years ago, I was beginning a diagnostic treatment for what I thought was fibromyalgia. My doctor began me on a series of antidepressants to rule out depression as a cause of the pains I was feeling. I stopped taking antidepressants because I don t like the way they make me feel, and I wasn t depressed. My common ailments include random nerve pain throughout my body, like the feeling someone is taking a nerve from both ends and pulling it slightly, headaches, a foggy feeling trying to remember facts and details, increased tiredness. The nerve pains bother me more than anything, I could be doing something simple such as driving down the road when a nerve pain will begin flashing in a random area of my body for a couple minutes, usually close to major joints (Wrists, ankles, knees, neck).This sounds like typical fibromyalgia from my research but I can t be sure.