Hello dear
Understand your concern
You should consult the experienced psychiatric or
neurologist for
Exact cause of fibromyalgia flare is not known,
Following are the factors:
Genetic predisposition, Polygenic factor, Sympathetic overactivity, Psychological disturbance, defect in
dopamine and serotonin pathways in brain, excessive stress and
depression, Disturbance in sleep
Doctor will give following advises:
Life style changes
Start exercise: Play mind games and walking and swimming
Acupuncture therapy, Regular yoga
Relaxation therapy: whole body massage and breathing technique in fresh air, bath in salted water
Maintain weight according to normal BMI
Take healthy diet.
Green leafy vegetables, milk, meat, chicken that high in magnesium
Diet rich in omega three fatty acid: egg, salmon fish, flaxseed oil
Drug that help to reduce pain:
Tramadol, duloxentine, savella
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Avoid negative self talk and behavior
Be creative and learn new things
Spends more time with family and friends
Hope this may help you
Best regards
Dr. Sagar