Hi, I have been suffering from trails in my vision for one year now. When I enter a dark or dim lighted room from a light hall, I feel the door fram comes out of it when I am walking into the room. Or when I move my hands in a dim lighted place I see a hallo/trail of the hand following the movement wherever the hand goes. If I follow the moving hand with my eyes I dont see the trail! I only see it when I am not directly following the moving objects. It has been for a year now and it didnt go away in time. Today it is worse that the first time I noticed it. have been at 3 different eye doctors, no problem with eyes according to them (only last doctor said a little irregular cornea surface). Have done MRI of the brain which came normal. I also have developed floaters, starbursting , very dry eyes(eye doctor said it is not much dry!!!), and a little after images and headaches since last year as well. Please help, what is happening to my eyes? Can that be Palinopsia? Or can be something else? thank you