Hello, Welcome to
Ask a doctor services. I have read your question.
You have a history of high BP, CCF & diabetes. Now you are developing symptoms of forgetfulness, you need to keep you blood sugar & BP levels under control to help your brain function better.
lipid profile, stress tests, ecg & echo done to evaluate the condition of your heart.
To get rid of forgetfulness keep yourself involved in activities that stimulate both your mind & body. Do physical fitness exercises under a physiotherapist, take nutritious home made food. Take adequate sleep.
Avoid alcoholic beverages &
substance abuse as it may cause permanent
brain damage.
Visit ER, get physically examined, your treating doctor may give you medicines that reduce depression, agitation, anxiety or insomnia. Do not become dependent on medicines.
You may
consult a Psychiatrist if you cannot handle the arising symptoms.
Stress, anxiety & depression causes forgetfulness avoid it. Stay happy.
Hope I have answered your query. Take care.
Dr Nupur K