Hello dr., i m a 21 year old indian girl. Doing final year M.B.B.S. As u know it s so stressfull study that i almost can t afford even 15 min to myself. suffering from frontal alopecia and thinning hair. My questions are: 1) my dad and uncle have frontal alopecia so did me nd my sister too. so its a hereditry thing. Can i get those edges back in such genetic condition? 2) due to a stressfull life i can t pay much attention to hair. can t reduce the stress factor. but any hair lotion, shampoo and oral medication which can assure thick hair growth as i used to have in 15th? 3) i have tried many home remedies like oil massage, vitamin E capsule massage, onion juice and so on. But haven t found result. are they effective? 4) i want to mention here that i used to have long thick hair when my mom was taking care of my hair. Though i have grey strands because it s also a genetic predisposition from my mom :( any organic hair colour, which can hide my greys without damaging? i m so much upset. almost lost my confidence. plsss help me out. want my hair back:(