Hi sir, I was feeling general weakness from last 15-20 days. Than I got trought infection . In this infection I had taken moxclav 625, montair lc and ascoril cough syrup for 5 days. Even after the weakness continues. In the blood test s, typhi o positive upto 1/160, s typhi O posotive 1/320, s.paratyphi A(H) positive upto negative dil, s.paratyphi B(H) positive upto 1/160 dil. I got sudden fever 4 days back of 103 degree. After that I had taken no medicene only crocin syrup. There is no fever from last 3 days. Today I consukted docted with the blood report. docter has prescribed Taxim az 200(2daily), allegra m (1daily), omez d (1daily), crocin syrup(1daily) and one becosule capsule daily for 5 days. I need ur expert opionion on these prescribed medicines, as I m in a remote areaeand the medical facilities are alsi not good here. Reqest u to also suggest any precautions and diet.