I was using Zyclara (imiquimod) to treat a genital wart. 2 weeks later my scrotum became red and started burning. Eventually it formed a blister, with another scab like sore on my shaft, where the two touch. Concerned that it was herpes, I went to the planned parenthood. The doctor said she doesn t think its herpes and its a reaction from the Zyclara. She swabbed it just to be safe and sent it to get tested. Today they call me and say the lab couldn t get a result. Now I just feel like I m in the unknown and there s not much I can do. I did not have swollen lymph nodes, no fever, and the sore is filled with yellow pus. Really not sure what to do at this point. I m pretty positive it s just a reaction from the cream but my mind is very anxious. this sucks. Just